The REACH candidate list has been updated
REACH As announced, ECHA has updated the REACH candidate list. Five new substances have been added and one entry has
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REACH As announced, ECHA has updated the REACH candidate list. Five new substances have been added and one entry has
REACH In December, ECHA’s Member State Committee (MSC) decided to add the following six substances to the REACH Candidate List:
REACH Since November 29, 2024, lead in a concentration of 0.1% by weight or higher has been banned in PVC
Support for companies in fulfilling their reporting obligations Weilrod, December 05, 2024 – The training schedule recently published by imds
REACH A lot has happened since authorities from Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden submitted a restriction proposal for
TSCA Companies that manufacture PFAS or products containing PFAS in the USA or import them there must report them retroactively
Providing specialist Product Environmental Compliance
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