History of imds professional, History of imds professional
Our path to success
From IMDS specialists to a provider of comprehensive Product Environmental Compliance solutions
Our company’s story starts in 1999, the same year that the IMDS (International Material Data System) was developed by and for the automotive industry. At that point, we were an EDS training partner (now DXC Technology), which was the developer of the IMDS database. EDS tasked us with setting up a training organization in Europe. We soon became the go-to “imds professionals” – first in Europe, then worldwide. Find out more about our journey in this article on our IMDS anniversary celebrations.
The IMDS was rolled out in 2000, first to OEMs, then to suppliers to the automotive industry. Even back then, we understood the value of such a large product database and the opportunities it would present. We soon grew from a small, dedicated team into a strong organization focusing on IMDS use, application and training. Some of our current members of staff have been with us for more than 20 years. Our training portfolio developed over the years to become the most comprehensive, specialist training program in the world, which we now deliver on our training platform ipCampus.
More and more businesses, both large and small, started to use our data entry, data checking, and reporting services. In 2004, thanks to the exceptional levels of expertise in our team, we were able to add consulting and support services for IMDS and many other materials compliance activities in the automotive and manufacturing sectors to our portfolio of services. By launching the IMDS system, the automotive sector became a trailblazer for other industries which wanted to document and report their material declarations due to statutory or company-specific requirements.
Other systems and databases have also been developed over the years to facilitate reporting on other laws and directives in the fields of electrical/electronics (E/E), chemicals, hazardous materials, waste and recycling, and resources. These systems, which include the CDX system developed by DXC Technology, ensure that material and product data can be safely and efficiently moved around the supply chain. We are a partner of DXC Technology and help CDX users throughout the world receive all the training and services they need.
We also work with the many other systems used by our customers for their mandatory reporting’ such as BOMcheck, iPoint, and the SCIP database. And, because of this, our expertise has continued to grow.
imds professional has over the years become one of the leading service providers in the sector. We are firmly committed to helping our customers meet their statutory environmental obligations while adding significant added value to their businesses. Finding the best possible solutions every time is part of our DNA.
Over the years, we have gained a great deal of respect and trust from our customers and business partners throughout the world. We have achieved this by providing a reliable and attentive service, by sharing our extensive knowledge through our international training program, and by taking a hands-on approach to deliver fast, reliable, and achievable solutions.