BAFA publishes handout on complaints procedure


Companies covered by the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) from January 2023 are required, among other things, to set up a complaints procedure. The background to this is that there must be a possibility for “internal and external persons to draw the company’s attention to human rights or environmental risks or violations in its own business operations and in the supply chain.” That’s what it says on the pages of the BAFA (Federal Office of Economics and Export Control). In order to support companies in this process, BAFA has now published a handout. In this handout, the requirements of the law are described once again and practical tips for the implementation are provided. You can download the handout (as a PDF) here.

Would you like to know exactly what the Supply Chain Act is, whether your company is affected, and what tasks you will face? We will be happy to advise and provide training for you. Make an appointment for a free initial consultation or look for our training dates.