Just like the EU (read the corresponding article in ipJournal here), Canada is also planning a complete ban on PFAS. The ban would affect more than 4,700 substances and substance groups. A corresponding report was published by the Canadian government on May 19. Until July 19, companies and other stakeholders can still submit comments on the draft report and the scope of risk management, as well as provide information on PFAS. The reason is that PFAS have the potential to harm both the environment and human health. The ban is intended to reduce the release of these substances to protect firefighters, for example, as PFAS are often used in firefighting foam, and also to improve water quality in the Great Lakes.
To date, the use, sale, offering for sale and import of three subgroups of PFASs is already banned or severely restricted. And Canada has proposed the group of long-chain perfluorocarboxylic acids for inclusion in the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs Regulation). If the final report confirms the hazardous nature of PFASs, these chemicals could be treated as a class under Canada’s 1999 Environmental Protection Act.
Read the original press release issued on May 19 here.
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